
2nd volunteer training for Bridge to Sport!

(FI) On jo toisen Bridge to Sport -koulutuksemme aika! Tämä on tilaisuutesi osallistua tähän upeaan projektiin, jonka tavoitteena on tukea maahanmuuttajataustaisia ihmisiä urheiluseurojen…

"Wrapping up" workshop in Espoo!

(FI) Viime kuussa Monaliiku osallistui Espoon kaupungin ja Aalto-yliopiston yhdessä järjestämään “Wrapping up”-työpajaan. Tässä työpajassa keskityttiin pyöräilyyn, sillä pyöräilyn oppiminen auttaa…

Monaliiku coordinates a new UE project!

(FI) Monaliiku koordinoi uutta EU-projektia! OUTdoor for INclusion on hanke, jonka tavoitteena on parantaa pakolaisten ja siirtolaisnaisten resilienssiä ja integroitumista ulkoilmakokemusten avulla.…

Answer girls' sport survey now!

Monaliiku is now looking for girls between the ages of 7 and 17 who want to influence their own exercise opportunities. Answer Monaliiku's survey and tell us what kind of sports hobbies you dream of.…

Results from our swimming survey are here!

Swimming skills and water safety have been the subject of much discussion in the media lately. Children's swimming skills have deteriorated and the downsides of summer swimming weather have led to…

Monaliiku became a FULL MEMBER of ISCA!

Monaliiku’s membership in the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) has been updated. We are now a full member of ISCA! As a full member, we benefit from many services, such as:…

"Creating a change in society thru sport": Monaliiku and H.O.T ry's roundtable

Monaliiku and H.O.T ry held a roundtable about “creating a change in society thru sports – focus on football at grassroots level” with major sport organisations invited on August 16th in Helsinki. We…

Newest sports groups for Autumn 2023!

Three new sport groups for this Autumn 2023 - Football fitness Football fitness is designed to focus on health and fun rather than skills and tactics. This concept was launched by the Danish Football…

Respect Pride football tournament 2023!

At the end of June 2023, we participated in the Respect Pride 2023 football tournament organized by H.O.T ry in Helsinki. We were in charge of the cafeteria, and we also had a team competing in this…

Monaliiku's swimming survey for everyone!

Because of summertime, we thought it would be interesting to map people's swimming skills and safety feeling in the water. We have created a survey that is open to everyone, completely anonymous and…

Summer break 2023 for Monaliiku!

Spring 2023 was a pretty busy season! So many events and novelties! But now, it's time to rest and take care of ourselves before the autumn! Hence, Monaliiku's office is closed for the whole month of…

Sports groups schedule for Autumn 2023

It's summer vacation for Monaliiku! This means we won't post a lot during this month. But we couldn’t leave you without sharing our sports groups schedule for this autumn! As you can see, we kept our…

Almost 3000 women participated to our activities during Spring 2023!

Spring 2023 is over and so are our sports groups! A big thank you to everyone who came to our activities! Almost 3000 women participated to at least one of our activities during this whole season!! We…

Ayisat Yusuf 3rd times re-elected as Fare network board member!

From June 14 to June 17, two members of Monaliiku went on a work trip in Lisbon. The goal? Attending Fare network's "Equality and Inclusion in football" conference. Our main sport instructor, Ayisat…

Monaliiku-Inspires football team for the Respect Pride 2023 tournament

Happy pride month to everyone! We are proud to announce our participation to the Respect Pride football tournament in Helsinki on June 30! This event will be part of our Inspires project which aims to…

Monaliiku present at Stadi Cup 2023

Last weekend, we were at Stadi Cup 2023 event! The Stadi Cup is a girls' and women's football tournament held every year in June. The event is the largest girls' tournament in Europe. The tournament…

Resume of our sport networking event for Bridge to Sport-project

On Tuesday June 06, 2023 we held our sport networking event to promote Bridge to Sport-project and our volunteer recruitment campaign. This project was created to support migrants and people with…

International conference on "European politics, equality and democracy"

Between May 25 and May 26, our marketing manager had the opportunity to attend an international conference on "European Politics, Equality and Democracy" in Helsinki. This conference was the final…

Naisten Kymppi 2023: Monaliiku team was there!

Naisten Kymppi is the biggest women’s wellbeing and running event in Finland! It brings together girls and women of all ages to enjoy a fun active day together. Each year, Monaliiku participates in…

New collaboration with the Finnish Gymnastics Federation!

We are very happy to announce that we have started a cooperation with the Finnish Gymnastics Federation. The most important element of the agreement is the cooperation in our Mentor on the Move…