
Monaliiku and Girl Power organisation in Denmark

At the beginning of May 2023, we were in Denmark for a Leadership Academy organized by Girl Power organisation. Our main sport instructor, Ayisat Yusuf, was invited to this weekend to provide…

Successful sport event for Mother's Day 2023!

Our sport event for Mother’s Day 2023 was a complete success thanks to all of you! The weather was amazing, activities were fun, and everyone was happy. Between henna, Kangoo Jumps, origami and dance…

Networking event in June 2023!

Bridge to Sport is our newest project funded by the City of Helsinki which was created to support the inclusion of migrants and people with migrant background in sport clubs as volunteers and, at the…

Ikänaiset Liikkeelle webinar

On April 18th, 2023, Monaliiku organized a webinar in Finnish on "Elderly women on the move" project (Ikänaiset Liikkeelle in Finnish). This webinar was part of the Ikänaiset liikkeelle project…

Ikänaiset Liikkeelle: interview with the project's godmother

You encourage you to listen to Celestine's interview. She is the godmother of our Ikänaiset Liikkeelle project which promotes the general well-being of elderly immigrant women through physical…

Mentor on the Move: successful stories of mentoring

Our mentoring program, Mentor on the Move, is one of our most important projects. It promotes the health, social well-being and professional skills of immigrant women through exercise and pair…

Looking for volunteers in Helsinki!

Bridge to sport is a project created to support the inclusion of migrants and people with migrant background in sport clubs as volunteers and, at the same time, to cover the current need of volunteers…

1403 women since the beginning of 2023!

Since the beginning of 2023, we have moved 1403 women! This represents how many times they have been active in one of our activities! We are really proud of this statistic which shows the importance…

Our work for women's health and well-being beyong Finland

At the beginning of March 2023, our main sport instructor Ayisat Yusuf, representing Monaliiku, was in Ljubljana, Slovenia for a European Leadership Training Program. Co-hosted by European University…

Mentor on the Move: how to create a good mentoring relationship?

Creating a mentoring relationship takes time, openness and, above all, the desire to get to know the other. In the case of our project Mentor on the Move, where the parties come from different…

Claudia Nystrand's 10th anniversary at Monaliiku

On March 20th, 2023 we celebrated the 10th anniversary of our managing director at Monaliiku! Claudia Nystrand started here as a project manager when we were in a small office in Helsinki. She has…

Women's Day 2023!

Women's day happens each year on March 8th. It's an important date to celebrate women's achievements and contributions to society. At Monaliiku, we celebrated Women's Day by organizing an event with…

Our monthly newsletter!

At Monaliiku, we care about our recipients and our partners. Hence, we write each month a newsletter to send them a summary of all our events, activities, meetings, important informations from the…

Mentor on the Move: the networks' importance

One of Mentor on the Move's main goals is to build social networks. Social network consists of a certain group that can be built consciously and goal-oriented. The network has a goal that guides its…

More than 170 women each week

More than 170 women benefit from our activities each week since the beginning of the year! We are so proud of this number because it shows that ours projects help a lot of multicultural women to feel…

Mentor on the Move: more info about mentees

Our health-based mentoring activity, called Mentor on the Move, aims to support the integration of women and prevent their marginalization in the society by integrating physical exercise into everyday…

Friend's Day 2023 with Monaliiku

If in many parts of the world, February 14th celebrates romantic love, in Finland, we interpret it differently. Here, Valentine's Day is known as Ystävänpäivää - or Friend's Day. It means that…

Mentor on the Move: more info about mentors

Our health-based mentoring activity, called Mentor on the Move, aims to support the integration of women and prevent their marginalization in the society by integrating physical exercise into everyday…

New sport groups - Spring 2023

For the 2023 Spring season, we added three new sport groups! - Sport for girls: a time during which girls can develop their confidence by playing in groups! At first there is a bit of initial…

Marc's last day!

At Monaliiku, we welcome everyone during our activities but also as staff members. We have a really multicultural team and for the past year, Marc Gavaldà-Andreu was our Marketing Manager. He did such…